
ESPP Fridays – It's another Solo Video

It’s ESPP Friday, and that means it’s time for a Solo video!

Here he is playing with his toys, with Sean, with his ‘brother’ Dexter, and with his Aunt Ellie (who can’t wait for him to leave, and would prefer it if he took all the other dogs with him).

Snowy Day Solo Video

Snowy days make me want to break out the video camera (well, actually they make me want to break out the credit card and book a trip to Costa Rica, but this is cheaper and doesn’t involve my freaking out over the Atlantic because we’ve hit turbulence and I think the plane is about to do a “Lost” and plunge into the Ocean, which causes me to rip the top layer of skin off of Sean’s arm with my nails because he was stupid enough to try and hold my hand to ‘console’ me).

Umm, anyways.

Here’s a video of Solo, doing cute stuff. Bonus feature – Banjo music!!

(Oh, and what do you think of the new theme? I needed something with a wider layout, no matter how colorful the old one was. Input welcome, please!)