Entries by Carol

Pickle is Possibly Just Picky

I found an interesting article on ‘forced weaning’. It seems to sum up all of Pickle’s symptoms quite perfectly, and would suggest that, in many cases, this is a psychological or behavioral issue, rather than physiological. It goes something like this… Puppy isn’t eating well. Owner feeds puppy. Puppy resists, owner force feeds puppy. Puppy […]

Raw Dog Food Super Simplified

I’ve been a bit short on time lately – which is more than just an understatement. Between work, Pickle, the other puppies, and the ten gazillion emails currently sitting in my inbox, the last thing I have time for is a three day raw food making spree. At times like this, I’m grateful that there […]

Pickle is Still Baffling Us

So, Pickle saw the vet yesterday, and basically all we got were a list of things that are NOT wrong with her, after an examination, ultrasound and full blood panel. It’s not… a heart defect pyloric stenosis pneumonia a cleft palate a liver shunt (as best we can tell, with the tools available and her […]

Puppy With a Mystery Illness

I have a puppy with a mystery condition. Until last week, at age 3 weeks, she was eating well, developing normally and generally one of the most forward pups in the litter. Since then, it’s as if she’s developed anorexia (and I know that sounds hysterical, but there’s no other term for it). She won’t […]