Meet Hanna!

Mastiff and French Bulldog playing puppy tug of war

Hanna and Brigid puppy playing tug of war

After a weekend of arguing over names, we’ve finally all agreed on a name for our newest family member – Hanna, after my favorite Woody Allen movie, but minus the final ‘h’, so that we can avoid any unfortunate Miley Cyrus references.

Brigid has decided that Hanna is her new best friend. Pickle, on the other hand, has decided that Hanna is some sort of terrifying new monster, and is best barked at from a safe distance. Let’s hope that changes over time.

Bun Pups at 2 Weeks Old, and meet the new kid!

Friday heads for the hills

Friday heads for the hills

I can’t believe how much the little munchkins have grown in two weeks. The littlest boy, Friday, is already up on his feet and motoring around the whelping box. He’s a wiry little thing – when you pick him up, he almost does a back flip out of your hand. His brother, on the other hand, is doing an excellent job of impersonating a beached walrus. He wakes up for food, but pick him and he’s content to just lie there in your hand, getting his tummy rubbed. Little Miss Mine is also of the ‘beached walrus’ school of thought – “why move? Food comes to me, which is as it should be”. Lately, she’s been eating so much her wittle belly hurts, which has made for  a few fun nights. Colicky puppies, like colicky babies, are the enemies of sleep.

You can see the rest of the photos here.

Pretty Girl in the Snow

Pretty Girl in the Snow

We also have a new addition to introduce – Little Miss No Name Number Two, aka LadyBug (her breeder’s name), aka our new Mastiff puppy. She comes to us from Jospeh and Connie Lovece, of MCF Mastiffs.

We could not be more thrilled with this (big) little girl – she’s already learned ‘sit’, ‘down’ and ‘stand’ (yes, Hope – I’m using a clicker!!), and we’re working on “peeing is for outside”. She loves the snow – and considering where we live, that’s very good thing. She and Brigid are slowly making friends – Brigid at first was stunned, but now they’re sleeping curled up in the same bed with each other, and generally being pals. As for names, we’re mulling them over. I like McKenzie, even though we’d be stealing it from Gina, while Sean likes Colette. I voted for June Bug, but got over ruled.

By the way, Connie has GiGi, from Barb, which allows us to play a nice little game of “Six Degrees of Separation” – Connie has Gigi, Gigi was out of our Dark Lola, Lola went to live with Lauren in NYC, and then Lauren got Harley from us, who is Bunny’s puppy from her first litter.

Let’s face it, get a Frenchie from us, and like it or not, you’re part of one great big extended family.

Bunny’s Puppies at 11 Days

How time flies when you’re having fun!

The Bun-lets are eleven days old, and getting cuter by the minute. Have a look!

Bunny’s Little Girl

Fawn Pied Newborn French Bulldog PuppyDo I even need to mention how head over heels in love I am with this little girl?

This photo shows the little girl’s ‘fawn’ side. Her hood (ie; the circle over her eye) is a biscuit color, trimmed with black around the outside edges, and with black eye rims. You can also see the distinctive black ‘freckle’ just above and to the left of the eye – a feature almost always seen on black masked fawns, and very rarely if ever on brindles.

Puzzlingly, her off side hood has NO coloration inside of it – it is almost uniformly black. I assume that this is simply because it is a smaller hood, and the outside black trim almost fills it in completely.

It’s entirely possible that by a few weeks of age, I’ll think she’s a different color altogether. For now, though, she’s a fawn pied – at least in my books.

The Bunny Puppies Have Arrived!

Bunny French Bulldog puppies 2011

Well, after a very exciting (read: I haven’t slept in 30 hours) night, the Bunny puppies have arrived!

2 gorgeous, stripey, flashy, brindle boys with deep black masks, and one tiny little double hooded fawn pied girl (who has been instantly nicknamed “MINE!”). They are sired by Brenda W’s lovely brindle male, Stoli.

The pedigree is here —

I had taken Bunny in to our vet’s office yesterday morning for a reverse progesterone test, with results that said that, while she was dropping, ‘parturition was not imminent’, so we should re check in 24 hours. We made an appointment to have her progesterone re tested this morning, at 8 am, and I headed home with Bunny, sure I was going to have a final full night of sleep. Instead, by dinner time I had a bitch who wouldn’t eat, by 9 pm a bitch who was slightly restless, and by 2 am a bitch who was in the full first stages of labor. So much for technology’s ability to outguess mother nature!

All three kids had healthy birth weights and came out screaming blue murder – we barely had to rub them to get them to start shrieking their little lungs out.

Bunny, on the other hand, had a rather rough time of it. She went through the surgery with flying colors, but then lost a lot of blood after closing. She was shocky and pale, and we thought we were going to end up having to transfuse her. Luckily, time and a lot of heating blankets pulled her out of it.  She’s fine now, and loving her babies already.

I’ll get more photos when my brain is functioning more efficiently — ie; after sleep and/or an entire pot of coffee.

(by the way, all the kids are spoken for)