Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders

Happy Birthday Dear Puppies!

I was so busy over the last few weeks that I forgot to do a “Happy Birthday” post for Bunny’s puppies. The fat little hamsters turned one week old on Sunday, and continue to increase exponentially in cuteness. At this rate, they will be a virtual black hole of adorableness within the month, sucking in everything in their vicinity and creating a swirling vortex of candy floss scented kawaii none of us will be able to escape.

In one week, here’s what has happened in the Bun Bun Babies’ world:

– we’ve all doubled our birth weights
– we still can’t see or hear, but our senses of smell, taste and touch are all active and strong
– we now have ‘activated sleep’, where we twitch and jerk and sometimes make little yipping sounds. Active sleep increases the puppy’s respiratory strength, among other things.
– we nurse vigorously, and will happily knock our siblings out of the way to get to a really choice nipple

More photos, as always, over on Flickr. Oh, and still no babies from Delilah yet, but the clock is most definitely ticking.

1 reply
  1. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    They are so sweet… I am really starting to fall for the little pied guy. What a cutie!

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