
Petal Freaks, Lola has a B-Day and Butterscotch Ear Spots

Happy Birthday, Lola! Happy Birthday to youoooooo!

Lola's Birthday Party

Ms. Lola Banana – aka Bullmarket Chiquita Lolita – celebrated her 10th birthday this past weekend. Birthday cake (OK, grass fed beef burgers), party hats and presents were on hand, and Lola’s little ‘sister’, Sushi, was more than happy to share in the booty, even if it meant wearing an octopus hat as partial payment.

Octopus Hat Sushi

Maggie, mom to Sushi and Lola, asked if Lola and Weezie were related. The butterscotch ear polka dots and wanton toy chewing just seemed to be too much of a coincidence. They are related!

Lola is mother to Diva
Diva is mother to Bunny
Bunny is mother to Weezie

.. that makes Lola Weezie’s great grandmother. Here are Bunny’s ear polka dots –

Bunny's Ear Polka Dots

.. Now I just need a photo of Lola’s ear spots, and we can make a sort of ear polka dot family album. God, I need a hobby.

Poor Petal is having a hard time adjusting to life as a house cat — well, to life as our house cat, that is. I suppose part of it is having lived as an outdoors cat for this long – she gets panicky if she doesn’t have constant access to a door open to the outdoors.

Petal Blends In

We’ve arranged sort of a compromise. I leave the door from the kitchen into the garage partially open, and the door from the garage to the outdoors cracked open a bit. This lets Petal go in and out of the house when she feels panicked or threatened (She’s not used to the dogs yet, even though they mostly ignore her). She spends a lot of time sleeping on an old chair we had stored in the garage. I’ve set it up, and put a fleece pad on the seat for her to sleep on. We call it her ‘throne chair’.

Petal's Throne Chair

When I’m upstairs, Petal seems to enjoy hanging out in the kitchen and living room. She sleeps on the couch, even if it is with one eye open, and she enjoys walking on the kitchen island while I’m prepping food. She’s a very curious little cat – very interested in everything going on. She is also incredibly affectionate – she enjoys climbing up and riding on my shoulder, and will happily roll over to have her belly tickled.

Tula has three weeks to go, and she looks like a little moo cow more and more every day. Poor girl!

Tula's Pregnant Belly

French Bulldog Profile – Weezie is Her Mother's Daughter

It’s funny the things that can be inherited. Dexter, for example has the exact same mark on the back of his neck as his grandmother, Sailor. It’s a sort of elongated triangle – in fact, when Sailor was a wee thing just a few days old, I said it looked like the sail of boat. Hence her name – Sailor, or Bullmarket Roch the Boat.

There are many things that Weezie (aka Absolut Bullmarket Eloise IceBat, aka Dexter’s sister) has inherited from her mother, Bunny.

Doe Eyed Weezie

She has Bunny’s limpid, doe eyed gaze. She has Bunny’s snowy white coat, which is as soft as down to the touch, and extremely snuggly (Dexter, on the other hand, has coarse, steel wool hair, more similar to his great Grandmother, Tessa).

Butterscotch Ear Spots

Weezie even has her mommy’s caramel ear spots – little tiny butterscotch colored polka dots on the backs of her ears. These spots are what tell us that both Weezie and her mom are, despite appearances to the contrary, not genetically ‘white dogs’, but are actually fawn pieds. Color in Frenchies – it’s a baffling thing.

Destructo Dog!!

Weezie has inherited something else from her mommy – the ‘rip it to shreds’ gene.

That’s the gene that makes her decide to shred an entire dog bed, much to the dismay of her much better behaved Puggie brothers, Nixon and Linus.

Nixon and Linus remind me of a pair of quiet, rather sedentary bachelors who have suddenly had their house invaded by a leather jacket clad, juvenile delinquent teenage girl.

I picture them huddling together, reminiscing about the days when the most excitement they got was the premiere of a new episode of Antique Roadshow.

Nixon's Birthday Party

It’s an awfully good thing that Weezie’s mom and dad love her as much as they do, but how could you not love such a cute face? After all, it’s something else she inherited from her mom – the ability to be so adorable that you forgive her for all her bad behavior.

Daddy's Girl

You can see the rest of Weezie’s photos here. She’s awful, but she’s also awfully cute!